Monday, May 07, 2007

Sweet And Sour...

Soft Pillow Kisses @ Kulumn Bar (April 12, 2007)... Candyaudioline also played at this gig without our vocalist... Both bands coming from a Makati gig. The last one for that Candyaudioline Line-up... That was a clear signal for me to make my move... What the heck, this is Soft Pillow Kisses' Blog... Read On!

Hello Everyone...

Soft Pillow Kisses played one of it's most inspired set last Saturday at Buzz Night... It was so enjoyanle that we did about 10-11 songs that night... We even played a song ("Beneath The Glare") that we haven't played for a long time now... the last time we did "Beneath The Glare" was about a year ago. We had a different singer back then... I missed playing that song. It's actually one of my favorite songs. Hehehe... Everything was very well executed most particularly the songs "I Was Right", "It Will Never Last (Forever)", "Stolen Flowers" and the best of all "Your Shoes Are Untied". Inspite the fact that it was a great gig, I was suddenly saddened by the fact that we are about to face another dilemna... Just as when things are stating to come together, a situation will apprear and shake us all to certain uncertainty... We've talked it over and all of us aren't happy with what is about to take place but life goes on anyway... hopefully, things would fall on the right places and eventually settle down properly... You probably don't understand what I'm saying but you'll figure out soon... I'm trying to stay calm... we all are... The question I'm asking right now is... "Why does it always have
to happen to me?" "sweet and sour, candybar, lose to fit... THE FUCK WITH IT!!!"

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